An educated mind always wins!
You must be wondering what education has to do anything with the trading platform- Eq-xe.

Well, the answer is simple- for anyone who desires any kind of growth, education is the key. And we as a platform seek our growth in our customers’ success. That is why we believe in empowering them with rich sources of education. We connect our customers with the leading industry experts from all the major trading sectors such as finance, crypto, blockchain, forex, and so on.

This, in turn, brings greater trading growth, awareness, and carves-out smart traders. The connection with industry experts further helps the users of Eq-xe to hone their trading strategies, and develop a strong understanding and grip on the trading industry.

How to Calculate Return on Investment (ROI) Eq-xe brings you the ‘highlights’ of the most popular financial and trading terms that you should be familiar with in order to be a successful trader, and this time, how to calculate your return on investment (ROI).In the paragraphs below, we are explaining how to calculate Return on Investment or ROI. But if you are new to the world of finance, you might not know what ROI is
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